Reporting Incidents


ALL incidents/accidents (guests and employees) are to be reported
IMMEDIATELY to: 855-775-PUTT (7888)

Immediate Directions:
1. Call 911 for emergency help if medical aid is required.

2. Follow the Claim reporting packets instructions for: Click on link

Workers Comp (employees)

General Liability (third parties/guests) and Property Losses.

3. Be sure to get claimant and witness statements, contact information from all parties, and photos of injuries and the scene of the incident. 

4. If furniture or equipment contributed to the damage, remove from service, and put in storage, attach a sign “Do Not Use’ and your name and Date.  Do not remove from storage until approved by Risk Management.

5. Take photos of any warning signs.

6. Call the claim into the Hotline

7. Obtain copies of signed Release of Liabilities.

8. Never indicate we were negligent or at-fault, but that you are investigating.

9. If they ask you about the claim indicate the claim was reported to Risk Management and someone will be contacting them shortly.  If they request to discuss this with someone you can refer them to Risk Management.

10. If Alcohol was involved/consumed, please obtain receipts of all parties’ alcohol purchases. 

11. Make note of any other details – weather, type of shoes claimant was wearing, verbal statements   

Follow up by notifying Risk Management:
Tawny DeLaCruz, Director of Risk & Safety
Cell: 940-435-4873

[email protected]